Meagan Raviele

Hometown: Durham, North Carolina Meagan Raviele

College: North Carolina State University, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

About Me: I grew up in Durham, North Carolina. At NC State I was heavily involved with STEM outreach and held leadership positions in the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and Women in Science and Engineering (WISE). The summer of 2016 I interned with Cisco’s Core ASIC Group where I could deep dive into my passion for technology. This intro to Cisco was all I needed to know that Cisco was the right fit for me. Technical sales is the perfect balance of engineering and communication that I was looking for.
Team Space ID: Teacher, Creator
Instinctive Drive: 7464

Personal Interests: You can find me on the dance floor. In college, I danced with a hip-hop crew. Now I enjoy exploring the many styles of social dance. Traveling is another passion of mine, as well as playing tennis. When I am not on the move, I spend my time reading and writing.

Professional Interests: My primary focus is finding a team that is a good fit for me. I’m looking for a team that collaborates a lot and will challenge me to grow. Different aspects of each segment draw my attention: I am interested in the fast pace of Commercial, connecting students with technology in SLED, and innovating new solutions for some of the larger accounts.

Location Preferences: I’m open to almost anywhere (Southeast, Texas, California), but also would be happy staying in North Carolina.

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