Caroline Olson

Hometown: San Diego, California Caroline Olson

College: Southern Methodist University – Industrial Engineering and Math

About Me: During my time at SMU, I sought to leave something behind that would benefit future students both academically and professionally. I believed that helping others, mentorship, and giving back develops one’s character in ways that textbooks and exams could not so I set out to create an organization that would help other students grow. I founded a student organization within the engineering school that focuses on professional and academic development while providing mentorship with the goal of challenging students to be better community members and academics. I firmly believe that learning from those around you and being comfortable with the uncomfortable shapes us into a stronger version of us. This determination to learn from others is what drew me to Cisco along with the feedback culture that I had experienced from day one. The consistent support and guidance that I have at Cisco is what allows me to continuously try and exceed my own expectations and achieve my goals.
Team Space: Teacher | Creator

Personal Interests: Yoga sculpt instructor, avid baker, dedicated napper

Professional Interests: Commercial Select, SLED, Web Platforms

Location Preferences: California, Germany

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